Monday, 23 January 2012

Superpad 2 Tablet PC - A 10.2" Miracle

Does this tablet look familiar? It shouldnt, the name brand is unknown.. Even to me and I had one in my hand... However it does look remarkedly like an iPad2 from the front, "but not from the back or sides :)"

A visitor to the website asked me, well.. heres the snippet.

"Scuse' me sir: but i was wondering if you could do more
budget tablets, I was looking at the superpad; but what the hells that?
thanks in advance

-Troy S of Dakota"

Well Troy S of Dakota; its your lucky day, i found one that looks like cheap chinese technology
"BUT ISNT!!!" lets get started.

The "superpad 2" has everything your going to want on a larger screen, even features like GPS are
available, which was great. However, the reason I bring it up is because this is the only tablet ive
seen that claims a built in GPS, but the antenna is external; there is an upside and downside to this.
The down side is you may lose it, it make come loose, frayed, lost, stolen, broken, etc.
The upside is sometimes GPS signals are lost when they are internal, blocked by steel, or mortar, etc.
With this line you can place the antenna end on your dash, or tape/glue it up to a fixture in a window.

Another thing I noticed was it had an ethernet port! I just thought that was fantastic, albeit a bit
redundant in a tablet, having a much faster internet access when your near a hard line is a plus.
The WiFi is still there though, so dont sweat it; and its just as stable.

We noticed it only has 2GB of storage "gotta cut corners to make it cheaper right ;p " but it supports
up to 32gb microSDHC, which is fine; at least it was with me since most apps can be installed
to SD Card; in fact the first thing you should install on here is an app called "app2sd" from the market. Im also going to note here it has full sized USB 2.0 slots (2 of them) and the tablet
took a 16gb SDCard perfectly fine, as well as an external 220gb, storage wont be an issue.
Your gunna just have to dance around a bit to get it all to work "2gb yuk", but it will!
-= The one for sale below claims 4GB memory, the one we used had 2gb though =-
-= Ask the seller, if your unsure, but even if its 2, its still fantastic =-

*** Notice the seller got back to us, there is in fact 4gb in it, he claims  - Edited jan 23rd

This tablet, when used with an iPad2 stand, we put a keyboard and mouse on there "both usb",
the little mouse arrow showed up promptly, and the keyboard worked too.

Webcam worked well, we used it with Yahoo video, and there was no issue. Not much to say here
the video was as to be expected on a tablet this cheap, cloudy quality "but you can see fine"; no idea how else to say that haha.

Heres a side shot view, and an "unboxing" view.

As you can see, power slot, HDMI, 2 usb, microSD, ethernet, and reset. "And the applesque home button" just on the top there, on the face. It even has the cute overused lame square, awww....
The sound was terrible and tinny, but it comes with headphones which sounded fantastic
and the hdmi did too, our verdict on this is the cheap speakers used.

Whats our verdict? Buy one, they work and well too; remember you get what you pay for though
dont expect to be playing the latest Tegra2 3D games here. I suggest a A500 Iconia Tablet for that.

Nitty Gritty time? I think so:

CPU                                    ARM11 x220 1GHz Single Core          
RAM                                   512mb DDR2
HDD                                    24Gb (2 on some older models)
MEMORY                           microSD to 32gb (and any USB HDD or thumbdrive)
O/S                                      Android 2.2 Froyo
FLASH                                Froyo supports up to 10.1
SCREEN SIZE                    10.2" 1024x600
SCREEN TYPE                   TFT Touch
Dimentions                           Not Specified
Weight                                  2kg
CAMERAS                          1.2mp
Rooted/Rootable                  Ive been told yes, but havent done it.
MARKET                            GetJar, Android, Amazon (with rooting)
SENSORS                           Gyro, Accel, GPS
MIC/Speaker                       Yes/Yes
CONNECTORS                  hdmi, microSD, 2 usb, power, external gps, 3.5mm
BATTERIES                        6hours with 6kmAw li-ion
NETWORKING                  wifi b/g and 10/100 Ethernet

The only canadian seller we could find is we couldnt even find a usa source.
the price increase reflects the fact the you wont have to pay the customs and chinese freight charges.

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